Free Wi-Fi, and free parking at our independent hotel in the Bay Area, conveniently located between San Francisco and San Jose. Home Location Dining ADA Website Conformance Accommodations Amenities Guest Reviews Map Photo Gallery FAQs
Take care of yourself and the ones you love with a travel package at Hotel Parmani, each one catered to a different type of traveler. Specials & Packages Stanford Hospital Package Biking and Hiking Package Stanford Athletics Package Promotional Offers
From San Francisco to Downtown Palo Alto, a trip to Silicon Valley is a journey to the heart of the American West, home of Stanford University, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Alcatraz. Area Guide Stanford Hospital and Medical Center Stanford University Shoreline Amphitheatre Stanford Shopping Center Filoli Gardens San Francisco Our Neighborhood
Book a spacious room or suite at our newly reimagined Silicon Valley hotel, and delight in a relaxing escape every night of your stay. Contact Us Email Offers